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It is a mistake to suppose that any room, however small and unpleasantly situated, is "good enough" for a kitchen. This is the room where housekeepers pass a great portion of their time, and it should be one of the brightest and most convenient rooms in the house; for upon the results of no other department depend so greatly the health and comfort of the family as upon those involved in this 'household workshop'. 

Every kitchen should have windows on two sides of the room, and the sun should have free entrance through them; the windows should open from the top to allow a complete change of air, for light and fresh air are among the chief essentials to success in all departments of the household. Good drainage should also be provided, and the ventilation of the kitchen ought to be even more carefully attended to than that of a sleeping room. The ventilation of the kitchen should be so ample as to thoroughly remove all gases and odors, which, together with steam from boiling and other cooking processes, generally invade and render to some degree unhealthful every other portion of the house.  

There should be ample space for tables, chairs, range, sink, and cupboards, yet the room should not be so large as to necessitate too many steps. Undoubtedly much of the distaste for, and neglect of, "housework," so often deplored, arises from unpleasant surroundings. If the kitchen be light, airy, and tidy, and the utensils bright and clean, the work of compounding those articles of food which grace the table and satisfy the appetite will be a pleasant task. 

It is desirable, from a sanitary standpoint, that the kitchen floor be made impervious to moisture; hence, concrete or tile floors are better than wooden floors. Cleanliness is the great desideratum, and this can be best attained by having all woodwork in and about the kitchen coated with polish; substances which cause stain and grease spots, do not penetrate the wood when polished, and can be easily removed with a damp cloth.  

The elements of beauty should not be lacking in the kitchen. Pictures and fancy articles are inappropriate; but a few pots of easily cultivated flowers on the window ledge or arranged upon brackets about the window in winter, and a window box arranged as a jardiniere, with vines and blooming plants in summer, will greatly brighten the room, and thus serve to lighten the task of those whose daily labor confines them to the precincts of the kitchen. 

The kitchen furniture.

The furniture for a kitchen should not be cumbersome, and should be so made and dressed as to be easily cleaned. There should be plenty of cupboards, and each for the sake of order, should be devoted to a special purpose. Cupboards with sliding doors are much superior to closets. They should be placed upon casters so as to be easily moved, as they, are thus not only more convenient, but admit of more thorough cleanliness. 

Cupboards used for the storage of food should be well ventilated; otherwise, they furnish choice conditions for the development of mold and germs. Movable cupboards may be ventilated by means of openings in the top, and doors covered with very fine wire gauze which will admit the air but keep out flies and dust. 

For ordinary kitchen uses, small tables of suitable height on easy-rolling casters, and with zinc tops, are the most convenient and most easily kept clean. It is quite as well that they be made without drawers, which are too apt to become receptacles for a heterogeneous mass of rubbish. If desirable to have some handy place for keeping articles which are frequently required for use, an arrangement similar to that represented in the accompanying cut may be made at very small expense. It may be also an advantage to arrange small shelves about and above the range, on which may be kept various articles necessary for cooking purposes. 

One of the most indispensable articles of furnishing for a well-appointed kitchen, is a sink; however, a sink must be properly constructed and well cared for, or it is likely to become a source of great danger to the health of the inmates of the household.  The sink should if possible stand out from the wall, so as to allow free access to all sides of it for the sake of cleanliness. The pipes and fixtures should be selected and placed by a competent plumber. 

Great pains should be taken to keep the pipes clean and well disinfected. Refuse of all kinds should be kept out. Thoughtless housekeepers and careless domestics often allow greasy water and bits of table waste to find their way into the pipes. Drain pipes usually have a bend, or trap, through which water containing no sediment flows freely; but the melted grease which often passes into the pipes mixed with hot water, becomes cooled and solid as it descends, adhering to the pipes, and gradually accumulating until the drain is blocked, or the water passes through very slowly. A grease-lined pipe is a hotbed for disease germs.

If you are a foreign student studying in the US, chances are that there are a lot of things that are unfamiliar to you. International students pay more than American students for tuition (sometimes almost double!) and so often have to get a job. If you are going to get a job, here are a few tips about getting a Social Security Number (SSN).

1. Try to work on-campus.

Working on campus is good for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps you get a better feel for the campus...


Article Body:
If you are a foreign student studying in the US, chances are that there are a lot of things that are unfamiliar to you. International students pay more than American students for tuition (sometimes almost double!) and so often have to get a job. If you are going to get a job, here are a few tips about getting a Social Security Number (SSN).

1. Try to work on-campus.

Working on campus is good for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps you get a better feel for the campus, which will make you more comfortable in a foreign place. Secondly, the campus often have a lot of support resources that can help you. But most importantly, if you work on campus (in a library, as a research assistant, or in whatever capacity you can find) the international students office of you school will write you a letter to take with you to get your social security number.

2. Why do I need a Social Security Number?

You need a Social Security Number (SSN) if you are getting paid in any way in the United States. This means that you will need a social security number even if you are receiving a scholarship. (Even that money is taxable, and trust me, they will be taxed). Don’t delay in your SSN application because sometimes employers won’t be able to give you your pay check until you have your number.

3. How long does it take?

It takes about four weeks to get a social security number, once you have gone to the government office. This means that you need to make sure that you begin your paperwork right away.

4. Where do I start?

The first step is to apply for jobs on campus (or off-campus). Once you have a printed job offer in your hand, then you can go to the office of international students. They will probably photocopy your job offer, your passport, and your visa. If you are not getting a job on campus, you will still need a written version of your job offer to take with you.

5. What should I bring?

Find out where the nearest SSN office is to you. When you go there, you will need quite a few things: a) Your Letter of Offer (from your job or scholarship), b) A letter from the office of international students (if you are applying for an on-campus job; this letter will say that you are currently enrolled and attending classes; you don’t need it for an off-campus job), c) your passport, d) your visa (F-1, J-1, etc), e) all other immigration papers that you have (this means bring in any forms that you can think of, such as your I-94 form; you can even consider brining your SEVIS fee form…it never hurts to bring too much).

When I went to get my SSN, they also asked to see my birth certificate, which is not on the list of mandatory items to bring. For a friend of mine, they asked to see her driver’s license. It is better to bring these just in case. You don’t want to be turned away or have to come back with more information.

There aren’t any forms to fill out for the SSN before you get there. A person at the office will help you fill out all of the forms that you need to.

Good luck!

I’m sure that you won’t have any problems finding a job, or getting your SSN. It’s a lot of paperwork, but in the end it’s worth it.

With body kits, you can choose what to do with your vehicle’s design, as well as do the creating yourself. The common parts that make up these kits include front bumpers, rear bumpers, side skirts, and spoilers although there are other body kits that add other parts as well. Aside from giving your vehicle a complete and new look, body kits also give your car better aerodynamics.

auto parts,Daewoo parts,Daewoo accessories,spoiler,body kits

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For some people, customizing their cars is one of the best ways to make their vehicle look and stand out from the rest of the machines out in the highway as well as in the parking lot. After all, in this world where everything seems to be mass produced, it would be best to make the difference yourself.

Body kits are considered as one of the ways of making your vehicle to look different and unique as well. With body kits, you can choose what to do with your vehicle’s design, as well as do the creating yourself. In essence, a body kit is actually a collection of exterior modifications for a car. The common parts that make up these kits include front bumpers, rear bumpers, side skirts, and spoilers although there are other body kits that add other parts as well. Aside from giving your vehicle a complete and new look, body kits also give your car better aerodynamics.

There are some body kits that are made up of fiberglass. Although some body kits are made from polyurethane. For most car owners, polyurethane is their top choice for it is resistant to damage and come the cold months, this type of material does not crack, however, once it is damaged, it cannot be repaired. On the other hand, fiberglass body kits actually fit cars better and can be repaired if it is damaged.

Buying a body kit for your vehicle is easy. You would have first need to decide as per what kind of material you would like your vehicle to hold. As mentioned, your choices would include fiberglass or urethane. Knowing what kind of material you would like your car to have for its body kit would give you a much narrower range of kits to select from. If you have no idea as per what kind of body kit you would like to have, you can get ideas by visiting auto parts dealers or you can also browse through the Internet.

Once you have already chosen what kind of kit to purchase, call the manufacturer which produces the kit. Ask about warranty. Also, ask for pertinent information like the installation process, how much is the price, and the advantages of purchasing such a body kit. Automobile experts suggest that you should not buy a body kit if it actually asks you to remove some factory pieces on your vehicle so you could install it.

Auto Parts Discount offers bumpers, spoilers, and other body kits. They also have a vast array of well-crafted Daewoo parts for customers to choose from. You can get ideas from this store on what types of auto parts you would like your vehicle to receive.

There are a number of benefits for individuals that are interested in purchasing golf equipment, and who settle on purchasing junior wholesale golf equipment. Many people may wonder how it is possible to purchase junior wholesale golf equipment and how the companies are able to offer these items at such a discounted price. When individual consumers purchases junior wholesale golf equipment, they can either pay the up front cost of the item, which is typically not inflated, or it is possible to purchase the items in bulk. For an individual to purchase items in bulk, they have to be purchasing more than one item or the same type of goods or services. The reason that so many people are interested in purchasing items in bulk is because the item they are considering purchasing is one that they use all the time and would thus need a lot of the item, or because they are aware that this type of purchase would save them money in the long run. Either way, when individuals are looking for discounted, new golf equipment they can always consider junior wholesale golf equipment.

The way the companies make money is fairly simple. If a person purchases just one item at a wholesale price, they are able to purchase the item at a price that would be just high enough to cover the cost of the manufacturer for making the product and, in some cases, the minimal cost of stocking and storing the items in a warehouse for sale. There are clubs that are open to individuals that would like to purchase wholesale items, after paying an annual fee.

This also determines how the wholesale company or provider is able to charge low costs for their items such as junior wholesale golf equipment. When a person wants to purchase a large quantity of items such as the junior wholesale golf equipment, it is possible to purchase an entire set of the item that the individual is interested in purchasing. Since the company is confident in the fact that the items will sell, and they have a supposedly guaranteed buyer, they are able to charge less per individual item in the set. This is because if they offer to sell single items that are indicative of junior wholesale golf equipment, they may not sell as many. Sold individually, a person may only purchase three golf balls and three tees, for example.

However, when they are sold in sets of 12, the company knows that they will sell all twelve when the set is purchased because of the way that they are packaged. This allows the company to be able to charge less per individual piece of junior wholesale golf equipment.

Purchasing junior wholesale golf equipment for one’s self or child is a very important process because families want to be sure that the items that are being purchased are ones that enable the individual to function as highly as possible on the golf field. It can also help when the prices are reasonable, which is part of what makes purchasing junior wholesale golf equipment so attractive.

Living in Colorado and being a gardener has been rather stressful in the
past few years, as this state has been undergoing a rather severe drought.
The city is imposing watering restrictions which are not giving enough
water to lawns and plants. I’ve had to renovate my garden to make it more
water efficient. Now, because of the techniques I’ve employed, I’m the
only one in my neighborhood with a garden that isn’t completely brown. So
if you live in an area that is going through a drought or if you just want
to save water, I suggest you use some of these techniques as well.

First, I took out all my plants. The soil I was using didn’t retain water
very well, so I had to water about twice as much as necessary in order to
get it to actually absorb into the roots. If you have this same problem,
you can fix it by loading the soil up with lots of compost. This not only
prevents water from escaping, but encourages the plant’s roots to be
healthy and able to survive more.

Once I was done optimizing the soil for my new low water consumption plan,
I was ready to replace all my plants. I decided that the placement of all
my plants would reflect the amount of water necessary to keep them alive.
All the plants that don’t require much water I placed in on one side of my
garden, and then just progressed in the amount of required water to the
other side of the garden. As a result of my new arrangement, I don’t have
to waste water on plants that don’t need it as much.

The installation of a drip irrigation system was another move on my part
that reduced the amount of water I needed to fully water my garden. The
great thing about these systems is that they constantly drip into your
plants, so that every single drop is absorbed. With traditional watering
systems, usually the roots get too overwhelmed with the sheer amount of
water in the soil. Thus, lots just seeps right past. This is all taken
care of with the drip system.

If you still seem to need more water than you can supply to your garden,
you might consider which plants you could replace with less water
dependent plants. If you want a good shrub that doesn’t use up more than
its share of water, look for Heavenly Bamboo. It is not only tolerant of
droughts, but looks rather decorative in any garden. Herbs such as
rosemary are useful in preparing meals, and are rarely thirsty.

If you’re trying to find flowers that will still be lush and beautiful
despite the lower amounts of water, look for penstemon varieties like
Garnet, Apple Blossom, Moonbeam, and Midnight. You can attract
hummingbirds and butterflies with varieties like Cosmos and Yarrow. The
best part about all these plants is that they don’t look rugged and
withstanding, but they sure are. Your neighbors wont be saying “Look at
them, they downgraded their plants just to withstand the drought. What
chumps!” Instead they will be marveling over how you keep your flowers so
beautiful in the midst of the watering regulations.

One of my favorite drought resistant plants is the Lavender plant. I could
go on for pages about it. A large group of Lavender plants looks
unbelievably gorgeous in your garden, and hardly requires any water to
flourish. Pineapple sage is another personal favorite. It is a 2+ foot
shrub that smells strangely of pineapple. It’s another major attracter of
hummingbirds, and the leaves are also useful to add taste to drinks.

So if you are in the position I was, and you’re dealing with a drought and
perhaps watering regulations, I suggest you try some of the things I’ve
mentioned. Even if you’re just trying to conserve water or be generally
more efficient with it, I think you’ll still be able to benefit.

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